(910) 358-4027 | angelicelrod@gmail.com

Hi, I am Angelic Elrod
Somatic Educator & Coach- Massage & Bodywork Therapist- Trauma Specialist - Meditation & Yoga Teacher - Intimacy Coach - Retreat & Event Facilitator
I believe we are all inherently connected.
Connection thrives from our sense of safety. When we don’t feel safe, every area of our physical, mental, and emotional lives is impacted. As a Somatic Educator & Intimacy Coach I work with people to cultivate safety through body-centered experiences like yoga, meditation, breathwork, Conscious Touch (massage), and co-regulation practices. I also educate people on the mind-body connection, the physiological aspects of trauma, Poly Vagal Theory, somatic experiencing, and the stress-disease connection.
As a dynamic coach and educator I focus on treating trauma at a nervous system level. I work deeply with others to restore safety and connection through conscious touch and neural repatterning. I have 12 years experience as a Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist, over a thousand hours spent teaching meditation and yoga as well as a history in inpatient mental health care. All my work is deeply trauma informed with a speciality in CPTSD. (complex post traumatic stress disorder)

My Mission
1. To sustain with food or nutriment; supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth.
2. To cherish, foster, keep alive.
3. To strengthen, build up, or promote
"I am often asked how I can work with a subject as morbid as trauma without becoming burned out or depressed. My answer to this question is that witnessing the transformation that takes place in people when they master their traumas has proven to be a deeply sustaining and uplifting experience in my life."
Peter Levine, PhD
Developer of Somatic Experience a body awareness approach to healing trauma.